Full New Roof

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Full New Roof


This week we traveled to Ulceby to work on the roof of this garage extension. You can see below, it was in need of a complete removal and replacement as well as all the joists needed strengthening.

The valleys also needed total removal and replacement with all the debris and old lead being cleared. Then we fitted new valleys and pointing up the edges to prevent ingress of water. The eagle eyed amongst you will also notice we realigned the guttering to direct rainwater away as it should.

Once the old roof had been removed and the joists strengthened, we fitted new lats and underlay before laying the new tiles.

Check out this cool time lapse video of the team replacing the tiles on this old roof.

After the tiles were all fitted the ridge tiles were installed to top the roof out. As you can see this has left a fresh clean look. Just the guttering to fit and this side is complete.

We are very happy with the way this job has turned out. Bringing an old run down building back into use is always a good feeling.

If you think we could help you bring your old barn, garage or outbuilding back into use, you can contact us on the details at the top of this post. Alternatively you can find us on Facebook HERE